imageDefinition: a characteristic taste, flavor, or smell, especially a pleasant one.  A distinctive quality or sensation.

This week’s word brings so much excitement, my brain is thinking so much faster than my little fingers can type.  I decided to take ten “S” words and add the word SAVOR to them bringing a bit more meaning and life to each one.   It portrays the art of slowing down, to be more mindful and immerse yourself into the presence of NOW…So let’s begin!




1)   SAVOR SENSES:  When I hear the word SAVOR four of my five senses come alive, I have a tingling all over, my sense of smell is more distinct, my eyes become more focused and my taste buds and mouth begin to water.  As I am sitting at my computer I have rosemary chicken in the oven, garlic mashed potatoes, fresh green beans, fresh green salad and hot rolls all ready.  The kitchen’s aroma is filled with a scrumptious batch of diced apples, fresh orange peel, cinnamon and nutmeg simmering on the stove top, I am getting ready to make an apple crisp for my neighbor who just had surgery.  What brings your taste buds to life?  Maybe it is a succulent glass of your favorite wine; do you prefer red, white or blush?  Some of you may prefer a fresh cup of coffee, latte or cappuccino but personally for me I love scrumptious flavors of hot tea.  As I am sipping on a cup of Chai tea with fresh cream it is delish…   I have a very good friend who has a sweet tooth, she loves dark chocolate and has a habit of plopping a square in her mouth and letting it slowly melt not chewing but SAVORING every moment as it dissolves.  She said you can taste the distinct ingredients this way.  Whether you prefer to SAVOR salt or sugary things, we all need to slow down enjoy and SAVOR our food more…let’s not rush through our next meal but maybe think about as we chew and give thanks for the farmer who planted the seeds and harvested the goods…to the one who packaged and delivered it to the store…to the one who placed it on the shelf, rack or bin…to the one who helped check you out at the store or carried it to your car…to the one who prepared it even if it was YOU.  Let’s SAVOR every step and give thanks we are such an abundant nation to have so many bountiful blessings, fresh produce and variety delicious SAVORING foods.  Pause…breathe deeply…think about what changes you want to make to really enjoy and SAVOR your meals.  It will be good for your digestive system to actually chew, slowing down and SAVOR the flavor; it can be an amazing experience!


2)  SAVOR the Season: Fall is in the air, pumpkins are everywhere and leaves may be turning in your part of the country.  Think of Seasons being moods in the year… and SAVOR the energy each one brings when we change with the season we become more in tune with nature and the way God intended our life to be.  The times at which the seasons turn are particularly powerful, as a Christian our holy days are Christmas and Easter which are close to the winter solstice and spring equinox.  Let’s SAVOR more the twenty-first day of March, June, September and December.  Why not use this time to contemplate the season that’s winding down and the one unfolding.  Maybe you need to clean out or pare down, change your wardrobe or de-clutter all that stuff that is weighing you down, holding you back or is it mental/physical areas you need to work on? Think of it as a wheel of fortune…Change-of-season can give you a renewed energy to SAVOR the season and start again!


3)   SAVOR SELF (Yourself):  This one is really important!  Maybe you need to SAVOR more solitude, “TAKIN TIME OUT” to think, pray, meditate or just plain stare into space.  Breathing deeply, slowly and holding it in counting to 10 and slowly letting it out.  When is the last time you took in a BIG OLE Belly breath and being more aware of how shallow or how deep you breathe…SAVOR  your breath!  SAVOR the Silence & Solitude, I love early mornings before anyone is up including the birds and listening to the rare moments and quirkiness of our home, the air conditioner popping on, the tree branch swaying on the side of the house the stillness yes if you listen really carefully the stillness has a distinct sound. That is truly my time with God…no distractions just he and I carrying on a conversation…reading his word.  In my devotion this week these words really resonated with me “In quietness and confidence shall be your strength.  When you’re in a tough situation, your mind tends to go into overdrive that is when you need to lean on me, I am with you”.  I love these two verses;

Psalm 62:5 “Find rest, O my soul, in God alone.”

Luke 5:16 “Jesus often withdrew to lonely (solitude) places and prayed.”


4)   SAVOR Simplicity:  Let’s count our blessing of the Simple things in life we so often take for granted.  How many of you have read the book Simple Abundance by Sarah Ban Breathnach.  It is a daybook of comfort and Joy, one I read year after year.  I love when things are simple and you are content.  It is not the fulfillment of what you want, but the realization of how much you already have.  SAVOR the simplest of things!  How many of you love to read…when I find a good book I love to SAVOR each and every page imagining I am right there with each character as we travel through the storyline, when I have finished I always feel I have lost a good friend.  What are a few of your favorite books you have read lately?  Then there are always movies, a good one that captures your interest I love to SAVOR every line some may be suspenseful while others may make you laugh or cry…let’s learn to SAVOR and enjoy entertainment a little bit more.


5)   SAVOR Soul Mates/Sista’s/Sinners:  This could encompass all of your loved ones whether they are your family or friends.  When is the last time you got together with the ones you love?  Did you really embrace and SAVOR the time you shared? Were you distracted with responsibility, pettiness, or envy?  Were you pleased, proud and SAVORING the precious time you had together?  Think back to riding in the car when your teenagers first began driving, what about the first real job you had and opening up the first paycheck or maybe playing checkers or wahoo with your great grandpa, drinking coke out of a jelly jar and listening to Paul Harvey on the radio?  SAVOR the memories of your childhood…There is so much tragedy in this world, sickness, disease, accidents that caused sudden injury or death…think about this past week or month and how the dynamics of either your specific circumstances or a friends have changed.  You never truly know what tomorrow will bring that is why it is so important to live in the NOW and SAVOR this specific time.  I also feel strongly it is important to tell those you care most deeply about how much you love and care about them.  SAVOR the snuggle time or holding that tiny infant, holding your soul-mates hand or playing footsie under the table.    Simple SAVORING Acts of Kindness…leaving a handwritten note, sending a text or surprise them with something small and simple or most importantly your time!

This weekend we actually will have the privilege of celebrating with my husband’s grandmother, “Granny Burns” who is 105 yes I said 105th birthday…can you imagine how she has SAVORED each and every day through her life?  The cool thing is she is a little hard of hearing, but can carry on a conversation and is in tune with everything going on in this world today…Simply Amazing!

6)   SAVOR SATURDAY AND SUNDAYS:  Usually I have cleaning and errands to run but I love the freedom and flexibility the weekends bring!  Saturday’s are full of grandkid’s soccer games and Sunday’s bring us opportunity to go to church and treat it as a special day of rest, relaxation and renewal.  “TAKIN TIME OUT “ you might say!  We try and have our family over for Sunday dinner, a time we can all be together around the dinner table SAVORING scrumptious food, laughter and fun!  Having adult conversations with your children, listening the good times and sharing even the bad but hopefully makin precious memories…


7)   SAVOR SLEEP:  There is nothing better than a good solid night sleep.  As I have gotten older my sleep patterns very from night to night.  Especially when I am extremely busy at work and several things on my mind, I wake up and I try to give it to the Lord but my flesh sometimes takes control and well you know what I mean you just don’t sleep. Naps can be good too, I love a good power nap, my Grandpa Charlie would always sleep sitting up in his chair right after lunch it would only take 10 or 15 minutes and he was good to go for the rest of the day!


8)   SAVOR SILLYNESS:  This does not come naturally for me but I love nothing more than a good belly laugh and being silly on occasion.  Especially while spending time with my grandchildren and girlfriends, you know we just wanna have fun!


9)   SAVOR SERVING:  I was designed by God with a servant’s heart and love nothing more than when I am serving others.  I do SAVOR each and every moment and cherish the opportunities I have been able to be the hand and feet of Jesus.  I love the quote by Maya Angelou “I’ve learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.” Also, Mother Teresa left this world such a better place and one of her quotes resonates in my mind “Not all of us can do great things.  But we can do small things with great love.”  SAVOR the times you can serve or be served…


10)  SAVOR SATISFACTION :  Let’s be more content and satisfied with where we are and who we are, it’s ok to strive to improve but don’t be discouraged or focus on the negative when things don’t always turn out the way you want.  Life is a journey, there are lessons to be learned, experiences to endure, tests, trials, temptations and distractions. Our bodies change, they may become a little more fluffy but more of you to love let’s vow to SAVOR today!


Thich Nhat Hanh made a profound statement “Many people are alive but don’t touch the miracle of being alive”.  Please read that statement again very slowly; where are you in life?  While “TAKIN TIME OUT” this week let’s reflect on that statement are you truly being alive or are you just existing?  Are you truly SAVORING every moment?  I really think I will make SAVOR, my word of the year for 2015…slow down no more rushing, re-prioritize and be less busy until next time I would love to hear your “S” word for SAVOR.  SAVORING takes practice, you have to hit the pause button..  I encourage you this week to SAVOR the present and let’s make a difference in being more alive…












One comment

  1. Mom says:

    Every Friday morning I am amazed at your beautiful thoughts, sound reasonings, encouraging words and insights of life. You have such a demanding job, your family and daily living, I don’t know how your mind has time to gather all these thoughts. That being said, I really don’t know where you find the time to write the words. Your writing is a special talent among your other special qualities. Love you so much!!

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