Friday, August 22, 2013 – New Beginnings!

Many of you may be wondering what’s up with this title?  I wrestled with several names trying to find a real catchy phrase but decided it needed to be a “T” to go with my name (Tonya) so Timeout was born mainly because I feel everyone no matter what age needs a timeout, a time to rest…reflect…catch our breath.  Especially women as they are always so busy and multi-tasking, children need it when they are naughty, men call it “veggin” but bottom line everyone requires a timeout!  Tidbits came to mind because I love little nuggets of gold in quotes, verses, phrases nothing long just a short simple reflection.  Tales because my life is never boring and I have stories to share.  Travel brings the love of adventure and so many things to see and do and I couldn’t leave out Tea because I absolutely LOVE my HOT TEA, summer, winter, spring and fall I carry a mug wherever I go and tea bags in my purse.  So there you have it!  I hope you enjoy my blog as I have so much passion waiting to be unleashed and shared with each of you…

It’s been about a year ago, shortly after my second daughter got married and moved out, I realized I am at the Halftime in my life!  WOW, my life is half over!  (I know many of you may be thinking you don’t know when the good Lord will call you home or he returns to this earth so how in the world can you say that?)  But let’s say I live to be 100, I am not called home early and he doesn’t return to this earth for another??? Years then yes I have lived over half my life…how can that be a where does time go?  The next question pops into my head, how do I want to live the next half?

I started reflecting on where I am, where I have been and where I really want to go.  Call it a midlife crisis, deep thinking or sentimental ole me…but I determined very quickly I wanted this next halftime to really count!  Live, Laugh, Love, and Leave a Legacy.  I definitely want to enjoy the journey, breathe in the fresh air, be more aware of my surroundings, the people I encounter and the memories I am making. Wow what a difference these small little changes have made just in the past 6 months.  I quickly discovered I have a burning desire to go to the next level, a passion and dreams to fulfill.  Who could help me unleash that burning desire in me to make more of my life count?

Throughout the years,  I have had some counseling sessions and they always want to dig up your past, your childhood and determine why you are the way you are, to be honest I feel like I had the perfect childhood, perfect family (realizing now as an adult maybe not so perfect but don’t burst my bubble) and that isn’t the issue…all of this can be good to help you work through certain issues and I highly encourage anyone to seek wise counsel but the bottom line is God created me to be me.  Psalm 139:13-14 “For you created my inmost being, you knit me together in my (precious) mother’s womb.”  “I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful and I know that full well.

With that said, I knew I wanted more…and Matthew 7:7 “Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find, knock and the door will be open.” for the past few years I have chosen a word to work on for the entire year, last year the word was GRATITUDE, it is amazing how God works,  I spend my quiet time each morning  with lots of prayer, reading, journaling, thinking of things I am grateful for and yes sipping on a delicious cup of hot tea.  During this particular timeout, I made a unique discovery through a simple but powerful book “Alphatudes!”  (Rhythms with Gratitude).  It was written by a fabulous Life Coach & Author. Guess what she lives right here in Dallas Texas, not that where she lives should make a difference but to me it was a connection.

When you think of coaching your first thought might be someone who is an athletic coach or vocal coach (I know I wasn’t very athletic nor could I carry a tune) but what truly is a Life Coach?   Let me define it in a simple term:  helping discover and maximize a person’s potential.  Well I gave her a call and she agreed to take me on as a client.  She gave me an assessment, a test and yes she nailed it on the head, helping me discover more of how God wired me to play upon my strengths and quit worrying about my weaknesses.  Possibilities that was my new word not so much about the Goals but Possibilities…let me define this word from Webster, “One’s utmost power, capacity or ability.  Potential or prospective value”, I wanted to expand my potential and maximize my ability. WOW, thank you Lord this is my answer and she has been incredible.

I will be sharing more of our discoveries so for now, as I am sipping on my Hot Zen Green Tea, I am hoping you will join me on this journey through my next Halftime in life!  Blessings to each of you until next time…


Tidbit Quotes:

“Every now and then go away, have a little relaxation, for when you come back to your work your judgment will be surer.”  Leonardo Da Vinci”

While you’ll feel compelled to charge forward it’s often a gentle step back that will reveal to you where you and what you truly seek!”  Rasheed Ogunlaru

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