Archive for Good Livin’ Blog



imageDefinition – give one’s attention to a sound.  The act of Listening.  One of the five senses.



Just for a minute STOP and “Listen” what do you hear?  Maybe it is the ticking of a clock…the motor of an appliance or heater running… an airplane flying overhead…maybe a bird chirping…the sound of sleet or rain hitting your windows… sounds of laughter or children playing…maybe there is background noise such as the TV/Radio blaring…or it is the Alarm Clock going off waking you from a sound sleep to a start a brand new day?  Perhaps it is silence (Hmmm true bliss for me)!  While your “takin time out” do you really “LISTEN” and take in all the sounds that surround us?  If not I encourage you to start paying more attention as there are enjoyment and lessons to be learned through this process.


As I am sipping on my cup of herbal hot tea on this cold December evening, reflecting on the word Listen or Listening, these few things come to mind.


I believe so many things we do day in and day out we take for granted.  Are you just going through the motions and movements throughout life not really paying attention?  If we really Listen so many things can be revealed and opportunities are waiting for us to engage.  Be in the presence of NOW and truly Listening.  For example my mind races with so many thoughts and things I want to do or accomplish daily but if I stop and really center myself, take in a deep deep breathe slowly let it out…pause for a moment and Listen, WOW!  I feel the sense of Listening reveals to me what is truly important and what needs to be accomplished for that day and what can wait…if I am  truly Listening to my heart, soul, conscience then I am in store for a perfect day!


Many times we may be hearing what people are saying but not really taking it to that next level and Listening.  Listening is a true art.  So often we are too busy making sure people hear what we have to say that we forget to Listen. If we don’t truly Listen then we can find ourselves in some serious trouble.   Also, think about it we sometimes only hear the parts we want to hear and not truly engaging by putting ourselves in other people’s shoes to understand what they are trying to say.  I am so guilty of interrupting folks, thinking I know what they are going to say rushing them along instead of “takin time out” to connect, be patient and truly Listen.   This is really common courtesy so stop look that person in the eye…connect…be patient (another great blog story) and Listen.  I know you may be saying but this person drives me crazy, they just go on and on rabbling about nothing or repeating themselves continually, when I really just want them to spit it out and get to the point.  HaHa I totally get it but the art of a good Listener is being patient and understanding to the situation and that person’s needs.  Especially in sales, service or working with the public we need to be great Listeners.  I have learned through the years to ask probing questions, Listen to a customer’s needs, desires and issues.  Once I do that I can then take appropriate action to try and fix the problem, provide a positive solution to their issue or address how my company can benefit them.  It’s all about building a relationship, and a good relationship means being a great Listener.


How many of us have had babies or been around small children when they are just learning to talk we have to strain to Listen and make out the sounds as they are forming their first words?  Their words may have a different meaning. I remember my Mom telling me I used to say pingy but I was really trying to say spinach or my cousin referred to a cup of water as odle odle odle.  We think it’s cute and we truly take the time with them, then why do we not do this with everyone we communicate with?  Let’ commit to becoming more aware and Listen this holiday season when surrounded by friends and family.


Think about it…how many marriages or relationships could be saved if both parties would just truly Listen to one another?  I didn’t say we had to agree with one another but we need to Listen and get a better understanding of where the other person is coming from, there are always two sides to the story.


Personally I feel Listening is not always done with just our ears!  We Listen with our heart, our soul, our eyes, our touch, our smell, our conscience and if you are a believer we Listen to the Holy Spirit inside us!  These characteristics can deepen our level of engagement, understanding and bring us a sense of peace no matter the circumstance. 


Listening with our heart reminds me of a song written by a talented artist Geoff Moore sung by Stephen Curtis Chapman:

Verse 1:
How do you explain,
How do you describe,
A love that goes from east to west,
And runs and deep as it is wide?

You know all our hopes
Lord, you know all our fears
And words cannot express the love we feel
But we long for You to hear

So Listen to our hearts (oh, Lord, please Listen)
Hear our spirits sing (and hear us sing)
A song of praise that flows (a simple song of praise)
From those You have redeemed (from those You have redeemed)
We will use the words we know
To tell You what an awesome God You are
But words are not enough
To tell You of our love
So Listen to our hearts

Verse 2:
If words could fall like rain
From these lips of mine
And if I had a thousand years
I would still run out of time

So if You Listen to my heart
Every beat would say,
“Thank You for the Life, thank You for the Truth, thank You for the Way.”


I also love what the Bible says about Listening.

James 1:19 “Know this, my beloved brothers: let every person be quick to hear, slow to speak, slow to anger;”

Proverbs 18:13 “If one gives an answer before he hears, it is his folly  (lack of good sense) and shame.”

Proverbs 19:20 Listen to advice and accept instruction, that you may gain wisdom in the future.”

Scripture provides truth and wisdom for our everyday living and practical advice we should take advantage of.  I strongly recommend being in the word daily to provide a compass and opportunity for God to really speak to us so we can Listen!


One other way of Listening is watching through body language.  Be careful you have to decode the message and sometimes we may not like what we see but again so many lessons to be learned by being aware!


In closing we have to develop a desire to be a good Listener.  Especially if you are truly hard of hearing or perhaps deaf, then you have to learn to use your other senses to Listen.  As you are “takin time out” this week, truly get in tune with your heart, soul, mind and the things that surround us.  You may have awaken a giant discovery and learned a new art of Listening!  Until next time my dear friend remember…we have two ears and one mouth so we can listen twice as much as we speak!  Blessings to you…




imageDefinition:  the expression of gratitude, esp. to God.

In North America an annual national holiday marked by religious observances and a traditional meal including turkey. The holiday commemorates a harvest festival celebrated by the Pilgrims in 1621, and is held in the US on the fourth Thursday in November.

As I sit in my chair with a blazing fire in the fireplace and warm blanket wrapped around my legs because it has turned bitter cold outside this week in Northern Texas and I am sipping on a savoring cup of Hot Mint Tea I truly can’t believe it is already “Thanksgiving” 2013!  Where does time really go?  As a child I remember my grandparents saying this very same thing and I thought they were crazy because as a child time seemed to stand still, well not anymore.  I feel as if I am on the roller coaster or the tilt a whirl and it is going faster and faster…but what a thrill life brings.


During the month of November, I love reading everyone’s post on Facebook of what they are grateful for.  We are one nation truly blessed with so many bountiful things, people and places.  Do you participate in this or do you have a gratitude journal you write in daily?  I started journaling about 10 years ago, it is one of the best things I do for myself and so much fun to drag those old ones out and re-read.  To many my life may be a bit boring, complacent or some call me crazy.  But it is my life and I love every minute of it.  Being thankful day in and day out for the simple things we sometimes take for granted.  I love to write down 5 things I am thankful for each and every day.  Sometimes it is the same things but again it is great reminder especially when we might be feeling sorry for ourselves.  If you haven’t tried journaling I encourage you to do so, start small maybe it is only 5 things you are grateful for, then eventually add you favorite verse, phrase, motto and then add a little about what you did for the day.  I eventually include my dreams, my hope, my aspirations, my frustrations, my fears, my disappointment and end in a prayer.  It is very therapeutic.  I like to search for the right kind of journal, I prefer it to be spiral bound I like lines a bit bigger space than college rule.  In fact the last four years I have bought the same journal in different colors.  I also like to write with my favorite blue pen.  Again it is the simple things that make me happy.  A new year is about to begin maybe you should be on the hunt for that perfect journal or ask for one for Christmas.  Try it for at least 21 days and see what you think!  It is a great “Takin Time Out” exercise that could develop into a habit.


What are your plans for Thanksgiving this year?  We are actually traveling to my Mom and Dad’s to enjoy with my sister and her family.  Not all my children can go and that makes me sad but it is what it is and we will make the best of it. I am fortunate we get together almost every Sunday night throughout the year to share dinner and see one another so one day out of the year won’t kill me.   I love the traditions of holidays.  We always watch the Macy’ Thanksgiving parade on TV while wrapping up the food preparation.  We usually eat around noon, with the traditional turkey, dressing, yams with marshmellows, smothered peas, Ham, relish tray, carrots and my Grandma’s cranberry salad with marshmellow, cranberries, apples, nuts and cool whip  and  homemade hot rolls yum…  It is what I grew up on, however I remember the first Thanksgiving with my husband’s side and how things were a little different, yes we had the traditional turkey but their dressing was a bit different and has grown to be my favorite, they put a hard boiled eggs chopped up and the liver and gizzards in the gravy.  So through the 28 years of marriage when I host the Thanksgiving gathering I blend the two favorites from both sides to come up with our family tradition.  Isn’t that what it is all about?  By the way what are a few of your favorite dishes at Thanksgiving?  Do you have cornbread dressing or stuffing?  Do you call soda pop or coke even though it might be a Dr. Pepper?  Do you have lunch or dinner at noon and is it supper of dinner for the evening meal?  I laugh as different parts of the country call things or fix things a bit differently but that is what it is all about and brings the family traditions from generation to generation.  Oh and yes we all sit down to watch the Dallas Cowboys play the traditional football game!  They better win this year!  We usually drag out a jig saw puzzle and maybe go to the movie in the evening.  This year we are hoping to see The Christmas Candle.


My niece and her girls always look forward to coming to the Big City and SHOP SHOP SHOP until you drop.  This year I believe most of the stores in the mall and major retailers are going to open THANKSGIVING evening.  That is crazy…I am not going to be one fighting the crowd looking for the best deal.  It makes my heart race just thinking about it.  I am happy for them because they enjoy it so much but it really makes me sad we have become so commercialized with things, clothes and electronic devices they seemed to have taken the place of “Takin Time Out” and really enjoying one another or playing card or board games.  I guess I am showing my age but I do miss the simpler time of life.


I think we should really be thankful each and every day not just one special day of the year.  I love the verse found it Psalm 95:1-2  “Oh come, let us sing to the Lord; (even if you can’t carry a tune) let us make a joyful noise to the rock of our salvation!  Let us come into his presence with Thanksgiving; let us make a joyful noise to him with songs of praise!”  Also, 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18  “Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus.”  Especially as we enter into this Advent Season and celebrate the birth of Christ let us pause and giving thanks!


We will soon be ringing out the old and bringing in the New Year…take a few minutes, an hour or maybe fast for the day…”Takin a Time Out!” to stop and count your many blessings naming them one by one.  I know we all have resolutions we work for the new year but this is something we can do daily.  Thanksgiving all year long…what an amazing year you would have in store….think about it and maybe consider it!  Until next time my dear friends I hope you find your heart full of Thanksgiving and “Takin a Time Out!”….


Role Model

image Definition:  A role model is a person who serves as an example, or whose behavior is emulated by others.

I don’t know about you but I was born in the early 60’s and grew up in the 70’s.  As I have said before I felt like I had the perfect childhood.  We lived on a ranch south of town with an older sister I idled she was probably my first “Role Model” as I tagged along in whatever she was doing we were seven years apart so yes I looked up to her and we were truly blessed with two very loving and supportive parents. 

It was a very small community where everyone knew everyone throughout the whole county; we had potluck dinners at church, the annual fair with 4H projects and class reunions bringing everyone together for a week of festivities.  There was an annual parade with very creative floats one of my favorites was an image of a giant quartered sliced watermelon made from stuffing thousands of paper napkins into the small holes of chicken wire so tight and spray painted with just the right color and kids heads poked out of the round holes created  they were the watermelon seeds and it was mounted on the back of an old truck bed.  We threw candy out to the crowds watching as we drove by.  My mom was a perfect “Role Model” she would spend hours sewing these adorable western outfits with the flared inset at the bottom of the pants and matching top made out of double knit material, my pig tails curled and my cowboy hat ready to ride my horse down the street in the parade or in the opening ceremony of the rodeo.  There were many more positive attributes my mother shared with me as well while growing up.  I learned to drive when I was 8 or 9, my cousin and I would take the old 4 wheel drive for a spin I would push in the clutch on the floor board and he would shift grinding the gears sitting in the middle as I could barely see over the steering wheel barreling down those country dirt roads.  We road in the back of a pickup trucks, or even on the tailgate and I remember standing up behind the seat of my uncles El Camino when I was really little while driving to town.  Now days they wonder how we survived!  When we went to visit our friends or family’s home with a slight knock and a “yehew are you home” we just walked right on in and didn’t think a thing about it as most folks were glad to see ya and pour a glass of sweat tea.  We cared about people it was truly a very safe place we never locked our doors and left the keys in the ignition in our vehicles.   Most all our meals were home cooked with traditional family recipes handed down from generation to generation.  Eating out at a restaurant was a luxury.  We had canning in the fall, butchered our own meat and I remember we had shelves stocked and the freezer was full in the event we would get snowed in for days or weeks.  Like I said it was a wonderful childhood and a much simpler lifestyle than we live today.  Not quite sure why.


My Dad worked in town when I was younger and then came home to his second job farming and ranching with my Grandpa Jack which he eventually was able to do full-time as I got older.  He worked the minute the sun came up until the sun went down.   I remember him sitting at the old roll top desk working on books late into the night. He also would get up in the middle of the night during calving season to make sure those momma cows weren’t having trouble birthing those baby calves.  He was a man of his word and a hand shake sealed the deal.  My Dad was another perfect “Role Model”.


This was also the era when “Women’s Lib” movement was taking place. Many women went to work full-time outside the home and things began to change.  Women weren’t just homemakers but careers were becoming more important.  Fight for equal rights between men and women were on the rise.


As I got older there were certain standards and characteristics that were instilled in me as a child that I still struggle with as an adult.  Many of you may be asking where in the world are you going with all this.  Let me try to explain there is a lesson to be learned…


imageOne of my very favorite TV programs was “Leave It to Beaver”.  Do you remember that beautiful woman Barbara Billingsley who played “June Cleaver”?  She was another one of my “Role Models”.  She was always dressed to the hilt no matter what she was doing, her dress was neatly pressed, I am sure she wore the perfect make up (you couldn’t tell that well with the black and white TV), her hair was immaculate while wearing high heels, pearls and a sweet smile on her face. I know she was fit with probably six pack abs underneath her beautiful dress.  She was perfect.  It didn’t matter what she was doing cleaning house, cooking or attending to Beaver and Wally, she was always in her pearls, heels and apron. She knew exactly what to say and do.  She portrayed the perfect loving wife and mother.  Ward would come home to a spotless home, clean and starched clothes, and a home cooked meal with a special dessert each night.  I still have this image in my head this is what my life is to look like.  She never look frazzled or exhausted.  REALLY?


Then you have this other character “Wonder Woman” or “Super Woman”, she is a virtual cartoon character but she can do it all and have it all.  Yes she is another “Role Model” swimming in my head.  Who says we can’t save the world?  It takes just one movement to make a difference. I know I can too!

The one that really puts the icing on the cake is the story found in Proverbs 31 which talks about the perfect “Role Model” and virtuous woman.

Epilogue: The Wife of Noble Character

10 [a]A wife of noble character who can find?
She is worth far more than rubies.
11 Her husband has full confidence in her
and lacks nothing of value.
12 She brings him good, not harm,
all the days of her life.
13 She selects wool and flax
and works with eager hands.
14 She is like the merchant ships,
bringing her food from afar.
15 She gets up while it is still night;
she provides food for her family
and portions for her female servants.
16 She considers a field and buys it;
out of her earnings she plants a vineyard.
17 She sets about her work vigorously;
her arms are strong for her tasks.
18 She sees that her trading is profitable,
and her lamp does not go out at night.
19 In her hand she holds the distaff
and grasps the spindle with her fingers.
20 She opens her arms to the poor
and extends her hands to the needy.
21 When it snows, she has no fear for her household;
for all of them are clothed in scarlet.
22 She makes coverings for her bed;
she is clothed in fine linen and purple.
23 Her husband is respected at the city gate,
where he takes his seat among the elders of the land.
24 She makes linen garments and sells them,
and supplies the merchants with sashes.
25 She is clothed with strength and dignity;
she can laugh at the days to come.
26 She speaks with wisdom,
and faithful instruction is on her tongue.
27 She watches over the affairs of her household
and does not eat the bread of idleness.
28 Her children arise and call her blessed;
her husband also, and he praises her:
29 “Many women do noble things,
but you surpass them all.”
30 Charm is deceptive, and beauty is fleeting;
but a woman who fears the Lord is to be praised.
31 Honor her for all that her hands have done,
and let her works bring her praise at the city gate.


Did you read and understand all of this, yes this was only one woman…WOW!

So as I began my early married life I would work very hard to keep my home immaculate like June Cleaver, be there to save the day with Wonder Woman and strived to be a Virtuous wife of noble character. 


Whew it was allot harder than it looked growing up.  For example where in the world did those cob webs come from, there were dust bunnies living on my furniture and base boards, socks never matched up in fact I swear the wash machine ate them as some were missing, laundry never done, dishes in the sink and groceries needing to be bought?  Dog hair yes my dogs shed everywhere…   I went to work outside the home to bring home the bacon, fry it serve it for my lovable husband to eat.  Then we had children…hmm what is a woman to do but add a few more responsibilities onto her plate.  I can do this I love multi-tasking and yes I am rather good at it.  Look at me see what all I can do, I can serve on the PTO, teach Sunday School, work outside the home be the loving devoted wife and mother, I can do crafts and make these adorable things, always in a good mood with a smile on my face….never stressed…I am the little engine that could yes I can yes I can I know I can I don’t just think I can I CAN!  THEN IT HITS…Burn Out….oops I forgot to “Take a Timeout”.  I didn’t really learn that early on and I would end up sick, flat on my back in bed, with fever run down exhausted, I couldn’t move and having to take a time out at the most inappropriate time because I over extended myself.  I refer to this as my wake up call.  God was giving me a subtle hint I need to readjust my priorities and learn to delegate more and do less.  Where do I compromise, how do I surrender and humble myself to admit I can’t do it all.  I still really struggle with this because I am wired to be a servant but it really is ok to delegate and let other people help.  Thank goodness I have encountered other terrific “Role Models” who help to provide me with wise counsel and reality checks.  They also don’t mind telling me to stop it or learn to say the word “NO!”  So yes I learned the hard way you truly can’t take care of or do for others until you first take care of YOU!  I hope you have already realized this and if not please take a self check now.


Where are you in life?  Who was your “Role Model”?  How did they mold and shape you into who you are today?  I admit I have made plenty of mistakes in my life but those mistakes have taught me knowledge, knowledge becomes wisdom and wisdom becomes a stronger character and hopefully a positive “Role Model” for someone else.  As I wrap up sipping on my cup of “Earl Grey” tea…I ask you to please enjoy “takin time out” this week and maybe drop a note to say thanks to those who have impacted your life as a “Role Model”.  Special Blessings to each of you until next time dear friends…


I want to leave you with a poem that impacted my life from Jr High Cheer Camp:


There are little eyes upon you

and they’re watching night and day.
they take in every word you say.
There are little hands all eager
to do anything you do;
And a little girl who’s dreaming
of the day she’ll be like you.

You’re the little angel’s idol,
you’re the wisest of the wise.
In her little mind about you
no suspicions ever rise.
She believes in you devoutly,
holds all you say and do;
She will say and do, in your way
when she’s grown up just like you.

There’s a wide-eyed little girl
who believes you’re always right;
and her eyes are always opened,
and she watches day and night.
You are setting an example
every day in all you do;
For the little girl who’s waiting
to grow up to be like you.

Kimberly Sedlacek



imageDefinition:  Hold someone closely in one’s arms.  Accept or support willingly and enthusiastically.  To surround or enclose.

Each one of us has experienced a time in our life we wished we could hit the rewind button.  This past two weeks we have had a very devastating event for our little neighborhood and a very close friend’s life has forever changed while another dear friend is going through a difficult time as well.  I won’t share all the details but the word “EMBRACE” came to mind as I prepared to type this weeks post.  When life gives us extreme challenges and difficulties our natural reactions are filled with emotions, fear, feelings and devastation.  How we react to those situations is very critical too.  I ask the good Lord to help me “EMBRACE” with Grace, as I want to be the hands and feet of Jesus helping where I can, listening, comforting and doing my part yet I have to work very hard to set boundaries or the situation can totally overwhelm and consume my every waking hour.  Our whole community of neighbors, friends, & family pulled together to help through this time of crisis.   And will continue through the next few weeks, months and years.   I feel so blessed to be in this unique and diverse circle of friends.  God is good!


“EMBRACE”is so important it can bring comfort in time of trials, fill our cup when our tank is empty but it also can bring courage in time of change or challenges!  I feel “Takin Time Out” is key to each and every one’s life so we can be rested a ready to go when someone calls for your “EMBRACE”. 


I love the feeling of a warm “EMBRACE” and how it brings joy, love and comfort to my soul…that simple little touch…wait a minute…close your eyes…take a time out right now, take a deep breath… another deep breath…pause and envision that “EMBRACE”…who is it?  Where are you?  What do you smell…maybe it is that sweet perfume or manly cologne?  How does that make you feel?  Memories of a parent, a grandparent, a child, your husband or wife, a girlfriend or boyfriend, just a friend, sister or brother…hmmm the true feeling of Love and comfort!  Hope it brings you a happy memory just for this moment and a true sense of peace!

“EMBRACE” doesn’t always have to be in the form of touch but in a form of action…you can “EMBRACE” one another in acts of kindness.  Doing for others or being in their presence just knowing someone is there to lend a helping hand.  It might also be a hand written note, a physical act or surrounding them with gifts or more importantly a gift of time and listening ear or a shoulder to cry on.


As I am sipping on my warm cup of mint tea…I realize the word ”EMBRACE” also can relate to change.  It is important as change is inevitable and it is all in our attitude in how we accept, adapt and move forward with change.  We can “EMBRACE” with a negative one or hopefully you choose a positive one and the end result will be much better!  Sometimes we have to go through the motions, analysis, the thought process the good, the bad, the ugly but I hope you eventually choose to “EMBRACE” it with a power of acceptance and move forward. I recently read an article on “EMBRACING” change and there were six key components 1)  Reduce Expectations 2) Acknowledge Change 3) Accept Change 4)  Learn from the experience 5) Recognize you’re growing stronger and 6) EMBRACE the wisdom.  All of these are key when we finally accept change, we learn from it and become all the better for experiencing it.


A few weeks ago the message at church was on the gospel of Mark regarding “Anointing at Bethany” taken from Mark 14:3-9.  A few distinguished guests were to have dinner in the house of Simon with Jesus this was just a few weeks prior to his crucifixion. The men were sitting there talking when an unexpected visitor interrupted the conversation yes it was a female who came rushing in and knelt down in front of Jesus with her alabaster jar of ointment.  This was a very expensive perfume and was worth more than a year’s wages, she then broke this bottle and poured it over his head and carefully washed his feet wiping them with her hair in honor of Jesus.  The guest criticized her and asked why she wasted such an expensive jar it could have been sold and given to the poor.  They rebuked her harshly!  The scripture states Jesus said:    “Leave her alone,” said Jesus. “Why are you bothering her? She has done a beautiful thing to me. The poor you will always have with you,[a] and you can help them any time you want. But you will not always have me. She did what she could. She poured perfume on my body beforehand to prepare for my burial. Truly I tell you, wherever the gospel is preached throughout the world, what she has done will also be told, in memory of her.”

The pastor asked “Who would you be in the scene?”  The woman was compelled by Jesus to sit at his feet, it was uncomfortable because it is definitely out of the norm in that time for women to be in a room full of men, yes it was going to be risky, it was going to be uncomfortable, call forth a courageous love that inspired her to push past her fear and put it all on the line to follow this man named Jesus.   She “EMBRACED” that moment to show Jesus how much she truly cared.  We each have a jar, a gift God has given us, a talent waiting to be used.  Are you using it?  Are you “EMBRACING” life and doing what you can?  I encourage you to humble yourself and do your part even if it is uncomfortable or it costs you with time, maybe it physical or even more financially.  Let your light shine…  


I pray none of you have to experience what my dear friend recently has gone through but life offers it challenges disappointment and devastation.  We don’t always understand why but through this all I do know we have a loving and compassionate God that is there for each one of us as long as we accept him.  I also know we all have the power and capability to “EMBRACE” one another and to be the light or offer the prayers when one can’t…

This is a month of Thanksgiving…I ask each of you while “Takin Time Out”, pause for a moment, think if you have any unfinished business or cross words with someone or you haven’t acknowledge how much you truly care about someone to figure out a way to reach out and “EMBRACE” that person or situation to make a difference.  Let’s be thankful for the now, time is so short…I know many of you have read this poem before but it is one of my favorite’s and I think it is very fitting to leave you on this note…until next time my dear friend “EMBRACE LIFE TO THE FULLEST!”

The Dash
by Linda Ellis

​I read of a man who stood to speak
at the funeral of a friend.
He referred to the dates on her tombstone
from the beginning…to the end.

He noted that first came the date of her birth
and spoke of the following date with tears,
but he said what mattered most of all
was the dash between those years.

For that dash represents all the time
that she spent alive on earth.
And now only those who loved her
know what that little line is worth.

For it matters not, how much we own,
the cars…the house…the cash
What matters is how we live and love
and how we spend our dash.

So, think about this long and hard.
Are there things you’d like to change?
For you never know how much time is left
that can still be rearranged.

If we could just slow down enough
to consider what’s true and real
and always try to understand
​the way other people feel.

And be less quick to anger
and show appreciation more
and love the people in our lives
like we’ve never loved before.

If we treat each other with respect
and more often wear a smile,
remembering that this special dash
might only last a little while.

​So, when your eulogy is being read,
with your life’s actions to rehash…
would you be proud of the things they say
about how you spent YOUR dash?




imageSEEK Definition – attempt to find something

Search for, try to find, look for, be on the lookout for, and be in quest for


Well the weather outside is beginning to feel a bit like autumn/fall.  Our leaves haven’t really turned colors this time of year but the acorns are falling and the daylight is getting shorter.  I love the change of seasons; each one has a special meaning and purpose as we move through life.  I am sitting here sipping on a delicious cup of Teavana Citrus Lavender Sage tea mmmm it is scrumptious!  I love how they mix the flavors and it steeps for just the right amount of time.  I am also watching a squirrel scampering across the top of the fence.  Nature and tea truly brings warmth to my inner soul. 


I hope each of you have had your Takin Time Out this week.   It is soooo important for your health and well being to slow down a bit, reflect on where you are, where you have been and where you are headin…don’t forget to take those BIG Deep Breathes.  Let’s do it right now take another deep breath in hold it and count to 10 then let it out very slowly, don’t you feel a bit more relaxed?  Oxygen is sooo important, becoming more centered now let your mind relax, sort of a state of mini meditation.   Hmmmm I love doing this a few times throughout the day especially if it is really busy and crazy.  Relax those shoulders maybe rotate your head around and loosen up those neck muscles.  How many of you live with consistent stress, working on the computer and driving in the car tightens up around the shoulder and neck area.   I like to take my shoulders and try to reach my ear lobes and drop them quite a few times in a row.  Amazing simple little exercises can loosen us up and make us feel better.


This week I want to share my 3rd word of the Year in 2009 “SEEK”!  It was based on a verse I chose also that year found in Psalm 32:8 “I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go; I will counsel you with my loving eye.”  I wanted to SEEK to find the good in all things, with all people and in all circumstances.  It actually has been my quest from that year forward.  It is not always in my nature but I work really hard to put myself in other folk’s shoes, to try and figure out why they think like they think, act like they act or say what they say.  I don’t always have to agree but we usually can come to some sort of common ground even if we agree to disagree.  Once you have a better understanding of the other persons situation or how they are wired or tick you can choose to respond it a more positive reactive mode or be able to communicate more effectively.  This gives you power, it gives you satisfaction, its gives you hope as we live our daily lives…


I always loved the game Hide and SEEK, remember how fun it was to try and find the best hiding place?  Especially if there were a bunch of you playing? Trying to be still and quiet as a mouse hoping you will be the last to be found? Also, some of my favorite memories spent at my great-grandma Winegarner’s was playing Hide the Thimble, she would call out whether my cousin and I were Hot or Cold as we spent hours in that tiny little house SEEKING to find that little silver thimble.  Have you played either of those games recently, even though we are adults we can still find joy or contentment in the fun of being a child once again.  I think that is why we have grandchildren…teaching them, enjoying them, and playing simple games we did as a kid, laughing and having that innocent free spirit curiosity of a child, explore and watch their expressions…nothing like it and then we can send them home! Love being a grandparent without all the parenting worry and responsibility…It’s Priceless!


What comes to your mind when you hear the word SEEK?  Maybe another couple of verses? Act 11:9 “So I say to you:  Ask and it will be given to you; SEEK and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you.” Or possibly Matthew 6:33 “But SEEK first the kingdom of God and his righteousness and all these things will be given to you as well.”  This was given at the Sermon on the Mount…it is basically saying if your first priority is God, the rest of your life will fall into place.  There is incredible power in having the proper priorities.   As a matter of fact, you could sum up the problem in most people’s lives with this one sentence:  They fail to put first things first.  By putting God first in your life doesn’t mean your life will be perfect or a life without trials and tribulations but it can be a life of Joy and Contentment (My first two Words of the Year).  I hope each of you have found this to be true as well and if not you will consider committing your life to him? If you are not ready then I encourage you to continue the journey in SEEKING the truth.


Stephen Covey wrote a book, “Seven Habits of Highly Effective People“, it is a self help book and Habit 3 related to another way of viewing, “First Things First”.   He then actually followed up with a whole book, “First Things First”. In his teaching we are basically to live a more balanced existence; you have to recognize that not doing everything that comes along is ok.  There is no need to overextend ourselves, (of which I have been very guilty of over the years).  Not “Takin Time Out”.  You know what?  It really is ok to say, “NO” and focus on our highest priorities in life.  How about you, are you guilty of overextending yourself?  I find it is very easy to do…in our fast pace, advanced technology world we live in.  People actually can reach out and touch each other 24/7.  Our children have so many opportunities with extra curricular activities, between immediate family, extended family, school, church, sports and community.  It literally is non-stop.  Whew makes me exhausted just typing out the analogy…”First Things First” has a compass.  I love that, we all need a compass in life especially when we are SEEKING.  The caption underneath has “To Live, To Love, To Learn, to Leave a Legacy”…I like to add “to Laugh” and that pretty much sums up what I am SEEKING this last halftime in life!

SEEK is so powerful.  I SEEK to be a Christ follower, I SEEK to be the best wife and mother I possibly can be, I SEEK to be the best daughter and sister and cousin and in-law.  I SEEK to be a good neighbor (just like State Farm LOL), I SEEK to be a good friend, I SEEK to be a productive employee, I SEEK to be a leader in my industry, I SEEK to be a teacher, I SEEK to be the best possible individual I possibly can be and use my unique and God given talents and gifts.  But I also SEEK to never stop learning, I SEEK to never stop trying to make a difference, I SEEK to never stop improving and I SEEK mostly to never stop living and especially in the NOW!  Not for yesterday and not for tomorrow but be present and be accounted for TODAY!  


What would you add to your list of SEEKING?  Takin Time Out” evaluate your situation, your life, your goals & possibilities?  Life truly has so much to offer and too often I think we get caught up in the busyness we let the truly important things pass us by.  It is November 1, the holidays are fast approaching and I think it is a perfect time to stop, get centered and prepare to SEEK for the best holiday season ever full of Gratitude and Thanksgiving.  For many of us we never know what tomorrow brings.  We never know who might be there and who might not.  I know several of my friends have lost loved ones this past year and during this time of mourning and the first of the holidays they will spend without their loved one being there physically, there will be a void and a sense of sadness.  We then truly realize how fast time flies by.  I hope each of you have no regrets, I hope you tell those you love each and every day or every time you are with them how much you truly care and appreciate what they have done for you and the joy they bring.  For those who may have conflicts or jealousy you will SEEK to find a resolution and maybe say your sorry or learn to forgive those who have offended or hurt you in some way.   SEEK to rise above and let’s make a difference in this world!   I also ask that you SEEK to find what is truly important during this season, not just buying a bunch of gifts, eating way too much delicious food and getting caught up in the worldly ways.  But to spend precious TIME and truly ENJOY the NOW we are livin in.  Possibly reach outside your comfort zone and help someone in a less fortunate situation or reuniting loved ones together.  How can YOU make a difference?  How can YOU SEEK to find a solution?   Blessings abound through seeking until next time my dear friend…


Seek not greatness but seek truth and you will find both.  Horace Mann

We cannot seek achievement for ourselves and forget about progress and prosperity for our community…Our ambitions must be broad enough to include the aspirations and needs of others, for their sakes and for our own.  Cesar Chavez



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