Archive for Good Livin’ Blog


imageDefinition:  the emergence of a baby or other young from the body of its mother; the start of life as a physically separate being.

As I am sitting here on this bitter cold January evening with a warm cup of Earl Grey Tea steaming in my favorite new cup my sweet cousin sent to me, my heart is full of gratitude, thanksgiving and immense love.  This week called for an unexpected but expected “Takin Time Out!”  You might be asking what do you mean expected but unexpected.  Well, it’s a brand new year and we have been blessed with the birth of a brand new grandbaby! Our second daughter and her husband had their first child, a precious little girl this week.  As we were going through the process reality set in how uniquely amazing the whole birthing process truly is and what a gift life has to offer through the creation of another human being.  I am also very thankful both sets of grandparents live close by as well as their siblings so we can all enjoy this time together, being a part and helping in making a positive influence and difference in the rearing of this precious child.


Growing up on the ranch as a child, I watched many and assisted in a few live births from horses, cattle, pigs, rabbits, cats to dogs and every one of them are truly amazing.  How many of you have had that experience of watching an actual birth or perhaps you have watched it on the Discovery or National Geographic channel?  Have you considered how the instinct and body from both mother and baby naturally kick in?  For those who do not believe in God I ask how when you see each and every detail of the birthing process.  Actually you could even start with the conception but that is probably whole other blog topic in itself and one I probably won’t be writing about!



When I had my three children I was very naive and really not as in tune or appreciative of the details of life.  I know I experienced the 9 months of carrying the child, the labor and delivery and the wonderful and challenging years of raising them.  I also know I did not ask nearly as many questions that I probably should have.   As I have grown older I have become more aware, intuitive and I would say grateful of the specifics and access to information.  There are more options and I believe the majority of the general public has more opportunity to be engaged and informed on the decisions they make especially when it comes to our healthcare needs in general and especially the birth of a child.  The main difference to me is the fact that birth is a natural process and the body typically knows exactly what to do where accidents or diseases of the body are a bit more complex.  I know there are complications and certain high risk you can factor in as well but for a normal healthy delivery the body is uniquely designed to flow through the labor and delivery process all on its own.  Each person is different and the time during labor varies before the actual delivery yes it is a very painful but it is a beautiful process and at the end once your eyes gaze upon that newborn child you realize it was all worth it! 


I love the verse found in John 16:21 “ When a woman is giving birth, she has sorrow because her hour has come, but when she has delivered the baby, she no longer remembers the anguish, for joy that a human being has been born into the world.” Because of sin in the Garden of Eden Genesis 3:16 is a gentle reminder to the woman, “I will surely multiply your pain in childbearing; in pain you shall bring forth children.  Your desire shall be for your husband, and he shall rule over you.”  It is all in God’s planning as Jeremiah 1:5 reminds us “Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, and before you were born I consecrated (sanctified) you I appointed you a prophet to the nations.”  We are each uniquely designed by God and each of our thumbprints are different it has been determined no two people are alike.  Simply Amazing!


As I sit here thinking about the New Year, dreams, aspirations I have in my life, I quickly realized not only does birth of a new born happen with people and animals but birth can begin the minute you have a dream.  What dreams or desires do you have in your life and what steps are you taking in helping them be born?  How are your possibilities working thus far for 2014?  Have you “Takin Time Out” or paused a little this last week?  I hope you have put some thought into this as that is what life is all about in makin those dreams and possibilities come true and if you have not now is the perfect time.  Wintery weather, cold dreary days can offer a time of relaxation a time to ponder and form a plan of action.  That’s when the birth begins…yes you too may have some long labor pains as you go through the process and then WOW things suddenly take off and before you know it your DREAMS and Possibilities are coming true.  I am a firm believer in writing them down, reviewing them often or posting them where you can visually see them.  I have a Vision Book of dreams but have narrowed a few down to one Vision Board I have hanging in my closet and look at every morning and every evening.  I love what Walt Disney said “All our dreams can come true if we have the courage to pursue them.”  Yes it takes courage and perseverance it takes hard work, patience and dedication but it first starts as a tiny seed that is planted deep within ones soul it’s a vision or a dream.  Also, I would like to remind you if you never chase your dreams you will never catch them either.  So I suggest your write them down, think about them a bit and then get up and get going to make those dreams come true!  Also, I love this quote by Karen Lamb “A year from now, you will wish you had started today”…what is it what do you need to start today?


Well it’s time for another cup of tea and “takin time out” to hold and rock this precious grandchild.  Hope you each have a wonderful week ahead until next time my dear friend…relax, breathe and give birth to those dreams….






imageDefinition:  A temporary stop, a period of time in which something is stopped before it is started again.  A control that you use when you want to stop a recorded song, movie, etc. for a short time.  A break in a verse. A temporary inaction especially as caused by uncertainty.


As we start a brand new year I encourage you to “pause” for a moment and reflect on where your life is right now!  Where you have been, where you are headed and are you on the right track?  Takin a time out to “pause” can give life such a deeper meaning.  The years ahead can become a decade of destiny and make an impact in all you do.  But I feel first you must “pause” and get centered.  Ask yourself a few questions and be honest…where are you spiritually, financially, emotionally, relationally, occupationally and physically?  What would you like to change?  Figure out what gives your life meaning and what is really draining it.  In all those areas identify what is working and what is not.  Are you balanced?  Living with purpose, passion and productivity will bring such joy and satisfaction in each of these areas.  This requires work, a commitment and takin time out occasionally to re-evaluate.  Just hit the “pause” button!


When was the last time you really “paused”?  I feel with the pressures of our job, our family, church or our outside commitments.  We don’t really hit the “pause” button nearly enough.  Have you ever sat watching a movie at home with friends or family and you need to answer the phone or use the restroom…what do you do?  Yes you usually will hit that little red button on the remote control and “pause” it until you return.  Why don’t we do that in life too?  We get on this roller coaster ride called life and think no I don’t have time to do that.  But really if we would carve out a little time I think we would become much more productive and happy in our daily tasks.


This past New Year’s Day for the first time in a very long time I hit the “pause” button and stayed in my brand new PJ’s all day and slept most of it but it was absolutely wonderful to give myself permission to do that.  I had no agenda, I was off the clock, I didn’t check, emails, text, phone message or Facebook both for work or personal and even though guilt tried to sit in I ignored it and looking back I am so glad I did.  My body needed that, I needed that and you know what my family survived and actually did quite well without me.  I encourage you to make a date and hit the “pause” button and check out whether it is a few hours or a full 24 hours.  It is truly ok…I promise!  Lately with the holidays, fourth quarter and all the changes going on in our industry I have felt very over stimulated and to be frankly honest DRAINED!  I have been burning the candle at both ends you might say, I needed to hit that “pause” button, give myself permission for takin time out for me!   I am so much more rested, focused and ready for a new year.  Last week’s post was on New Year New Possibilities and yes I have so many aspirations, dreams desires and hopes for this next year but before I can truly begin to make things happen.  I must “pause”, reflect, relax and prepare mentally, physically and emotionally.  I hope you understand what I am trying to say…as I see so many of my friends, co-workers, family on this treadmill of same ole same ole.  For me I want to make a difference each and every day, whether it is in direct contact, with a comment, a touch, a smile or whether it is in this writing of a blog.

In order to do that I must “pause”, reflect and fill my tank up!


While sitting here sipping on my warm cup of hot herbal tea holding it close to my chest…mmmm I ponder what else comes to mind when you hear the word “pause”?  Sometimes people “pause” in their speech in order to collect their thoughts, or they “pause” in order to get someone’s attention, or maybe they “pause” to be courteous.   The writing is important, but the way you say the line and the “pause” you give it, the facial expression all of that is very important in order to get the point across.  One must also “pause” and listen instead of monopolizing the conversation.  Again the life lesson is to slow it down a bit and “pause”.  Sometimes at sporting or large gatherings, we “pause” in remembrance of someone, our precious military who have sacrificed so much or to say a prayer.


That brings up another good point we must “pause” and say our prayers, for guidance, for clarity, for praises and just to communicate.  Jesus was big on takin time out, finding solitude and hitting the “pause” button for a moment.  Luke 5:16 says “Jesus often withdrew to a lonely place to pray.”  Or “pause” like in Psalm 37:7 “Be still before the Lord and wait patiently for him.”


I remember reading a devotional written by the wonderful and lovable Barbara Johnson she had received a note from a friend and it said, “Barbara, I am here for you.  When the going gets really tough…you can always come hide in the closet with me!”  We all have days we may want to run away, especially through the busy holidays.  Times when the only thing that distracts us from a throbbing headache is the piercing pain in our backs or feet.  Days when it seems that all we hear is bad news.  Days when our kids give us fits, our bosses give us impossible assignments, and out spouses and kids give us long to do lists.  It’s those days we most need to “pause” or takin a time out to regroup.  Dear friend I have a closet we too can hide. 


During this New Year I hope you will consider these facts and don’t overburden yourself with too much.  Until next time my dear friends…breathe deeply, relax fully and give yourself permission to “PAUSE”!




New Year/New Possibilities


imageDefinition:  A time at which a new calendar year begins and the calendar’s year count is incremented.  In many cultures, the event is celebrated in some manner.


Can you believe we are wrapping up 2013 and getting ready to embrace 2014?  It just seemed like yesterday we were worried about the new millennium and here we are way past that.  Time really is passing by quickly…even more of a reason for “Takin Time Out” and makin sure we have our priorities straight.  How many of you set “New Year’s” resolutions?  How many of them really work throughout the year or are they really the same list year after year.  Like lose weight, workout more, eat healthier, budget, get out of debt, cut down on watching TV, learn something new or get organized.  Did you know out of 3,000 people who set “New Year’s” resolutions at the beginning of the year 88 % of those failed?  So last year through my coaching experience with Michele, I discovered to not make “New Year’s” resolutions but make a list of of “New Year’s” Possibilities.  Something about the word possibilities makes it sound more like an adventure than a chore or goal.


A “New Year” brings fresh new beginnings and I love picking out a new family calendar to hang on our refrigerator where we post events, special people’s birthdays and a gentle reminder of time management for everyone involved.   I buy a new set of colored ink pens to write with as I love color and certain events are in certain colors LOL… I pick out a new Franklin Covey Time Management system which will house my daily to do’s, yes I have a digital system but still like my paper, I am a creature of ole or old habits.  I love finding the perfect journal to make my daily entries of my precious thoughts, verses, prayers, hopes, dreams and desires, it has to be wide ruled lined and the perfect paper weight.  The most difficult is choosing my new word for the year and finding the perfect photo to reflect its meaning! It’s a time of fresh new beginnings and a brand new start of endless possibilities.  What about you what are some simple things you do in preparation for a “New Year” ?


This past June I was playing around on the internet and at my very favorite place to escape while sipping on a fresh cup of Peach tea, I typed in the words “Make Things Happen”…wow it was amazing to see how God works in my life.  It was right there in my sanctuary and place I love “Takin Time Out” this website popped up and my life took a new spin with golden nuggets of wisdom to be found.  2013 the word of the year was “Passionately Wise” and it truly was a year I found a deeper understanding of how God has wired me and where my strengths are and focusing more on those gifts than my weaknesses.  I have always tried to improve where I was weak but this past year through my coaching sessions, I learned it is more important to accept those weaknesses and move on with great joy and focusing on my strengths and gifts God has given me.  Lara Casey is one amazing woman, she is so young to have identified her gifts so early on and using those talents to help others.  She has six month Goal Setting workbook that I highly encourage you to check out at www.laracaseyshop.comso YOU too can “Make Things Happen”.  I have ordered her new sheets to start my “New Year” for 2014 and it is a great place to share where I have been, what has worked, what has not, where I want to go and how I am going to do it.  The best part is a page you get to download literally by writing out all the interruptions that cause you to not necessarily get things done.  This is a great way to write it all out, purge and give you permission to move on.  So many times we beat ourselves up due to past failures, non-finished projects or guilt sets in as we have let someone down or more importantly let ourselves down.  It’s ok we all make mistakes, we are not perfect and life definitely has its twists and turns.  The lesson is to learn from those mistakes and move on!  I think that is why a “New Year” is a perfect time to wipe the slate clean and make a list of possibilities you want to change or enhance in your life. 


Personally I pray about my possibilities and ask God for guidance and help in making any permanent changes in my life.  I try to align my desires with what he places on my heart.  A few verses I love to live by are found in Philippians 4:13 “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me” or Proverbs 3:6 “In all ways acknowledge him, and he will direct my path” and Joshua 1:9 “Have I not commanded you?  Be strong and courageous.  Do not be frightened, and do not be dismayed for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.”


This next year I want to continue to lighten my load.  Lighten my load of unnecessary burdens that don’t belong to me, of stuff that I don’t use and donate to someone or someplace that can, to use the fine china more and not just let it sit on the shelf collecting dust.  I want to do more rather than buy more.  My fondest memories of the past are places and people I was with rather than material objects and things I have.  I want to continue to strive and be in the moment, in the presence not rushing through the day and hoping for a better tomorrow but embracing and accepting things the way they are…I don’t know what tomorrow holds but knowing who holds my tomorrow makes it all worth while.  I also strive to take care of what I have whether it is material thing such as a home, a car but most importantly those things that can’t be replaced like our health and relationships and time with friends and family.  I want to focus on the journey not the destination.  Personally I feel the possibilities for everyone is endless…one merely needs to take a step forward.  Be creative, think outside the box, make mistakes as that way you learn.  The creative mind can add shades of color, lines of interest and texture to engage the eye and inspires possibilities for everyone to enjoy.  The key is to write it down and reflect on those dreams, desires, changes you want to make!  What are your thoughts, I would love to hear from you…


I feel it is important to plan for certain things or events but I also like to be flexible enough to do some things spur of the moment.  Spur of the moment times actually have been the best in many cases because there was no time for anticipation, worry or dread it just happened.  “Takin Time Out” can also be important to reflect on where you are, where you are going and how things are going.  The week between Christmas and “New Year” is a great time for some folks but I prefer to do it earlier like the end of September or beginning  of October and then review during this last week of the year to put any polishing touches and changes I want to make.  It gives me more time to be clear for the next year!


If you make “New Year’s” Resolutions I encourage you to consider changing it to possibilities as it will put a new spin in life if not I hope they all come true as you do have the power within to accomplish anything you put your mind to.  I encourage you to journal and pick a word for the year as life is one big adventure and I am wishing you the best life has to offer.  May you be blessed with good health, happiness, contentment, gratitude and most of all good friends, loving family and God’s grace.  Until next time my dear friend… Thank you 2013 for the lessons learned and memories made and wahoo here we come … Happy New Year 2014!

“The possibilities are numerous once we decide to act and not react.”  George Bernard Shaw

“We all have possibilities we don’t know about.  We can do things we don’t even dream we can do.”  Dale Carnegie




imageDefinition:  The annual Christian festival celebrating Christ’s birth held on December 25.


What comes to mind when you think of the word Christmas?  A festive time of year, family time, gifts, celebration?  Or is it more dread, weariness, exhaustion, blowing the budget and worrying about the forced family fun you will have?

As a child it was truly a magical time of year, preparing for the children’s Christmas portion of the program and watching Mom spend countless hours rehearsing for the Cantata at church.  I was fortunate growing up that both sets of grandparent were able to spend Christmas Eve at our house.  I remember waiting with anticipation; we would eat dinner and then open our Christmas packages from under the Christmas tree.  Then on Christmas morning Santa would leave something special in our Christmas stocking.  As I began to have my family I had moved away so the whole month of December seemed like a celebration.  We spent time with my husband’s side and would travel to Colorado when my grandparents were still living to spend time with them and my Mom, Dad, Sister and her family.  Sometimes we would try and fit in a ski trip in between Christmas and New Years’.  I look back and really wonder how we did it with three small children.  I have encouraged my adult children to set their own traditions and have given up our Christmas Eve so they can celebrate with their in-laws and we do something on Christmas day.  I am fortunate they live so close that we have all year long to celebrate immediate family time.

I hate leaving loved ones out but have realized we can’t do it all and be all to all folks all the time.  So it is more about the time we do have together and engaging the moment.

This year I vowed to be more in the presence rather than worrying about buying too many presents.  Taking each moment and savoring it, embracing and capturing the memories we were making.  This is the first year I took the opportunity to take my girls to the “Nutcracker” ballet, everyone had such a good time and I quickly realized it is all about going, doing and seeing rather than buying and giving material things.  I vowed this next year we are going to do more of that, things they might not do on their own.  In fact I had each of my children and their spouses make a list of things they would like to do as a family or with their siblings.  We really had some creative ideas and it is all right near home, in fact many might make a great blog post stay tuned…

What about you?  Are you “Takin Time Out” to enjoy the reason for the season or are you rushing through the hustle and bustle of life trying to keep up with the Jones’s you might say?  Not me not anymore, I have been there done that and I say no more.  Remember in Isaiah 7:14 “Therefore the Lord himself will give you a sign: The virgin will be with child and will give birth to a son, and will call him Immanuel.”  This is why we celebrate the birth of our savior.  I pray you will find time to relax, enjoy and give thanks for this beautiful season.

This week it is short and sweet but I am “Takin Time Out” to enjoy family and friends, candlelight vigil at church and hope you do to.  May ya’ll have a very Merry Christmas until next time my dear friends…


imageDefinition:  the coldest season of the year, in the northern hemisphere from December to February and in the southern hemisphere from June to August.


Wow…ole man “Winter” made a visit early this year and the Dallas/Fort Worth area got struck by a severe ice storm this past week.  The first of the week we were in the high 70’s short sleeves and sun was shining and then it hit sleet, ice and below 20 degrees with freezing temperatures.  There was absolutely no snow just a solid sheet of ice and it was best for everyone to stay home for three to four full days.  We had many folks without electricity, stranded motorists and grocery store shelves were out of many staples and our favorite cold weather food such as ingredients to make chili or chicken and dumplings.  Many festivities canceled, school, parties, marathons and even church!  It was truly a crazy time.  I was so thankful for the warmth my home brings, fire in the fire place with food in my pantry and freezer to tied us over.  Something I learned living on the ranch always be prepared and have extra in the freezer as you never know when you might need it.  Also, it was an unexpected opportunity for “Takin Time Out”.


December my “To Do List” is always a mile long and I wonder how I am able to get it all done.  Especially this year because Thanksgiving was so late in the month it shortened the weeks before Christmas.  I was not about to put any Christmas up until we had enjoyed the holiday of Thanksgiving.  It is also 4th quarter at work and the first of the year right around the corner such a busy busy time.  Weekdays, weeknights and weekends are all full, some events I have to pass on.  That is when prioritizing and maximizing my time hits high gear and making a decision on what truly is important and what can wait.


Being at home with the rest of the metroplex being in lock down mode made it much more relaxing than if I had scheduled a day off, the whole community was all in the same boat, emails were light on Friday and it truly was a great time to catch up on a few things.  I deep cleaned the entire house, laundry caught up, home cooked meals, Christmas decorations in place, Christmas cards addressed and time together much time together.  I even fit in reading a book, watched a couple of old movies, football and things in order for the next couple of weeks.  I also relaxed, living in my favorite yoga pants, sweatshirt and fuzzy socks…it was a great unexpected “Takin Time Out!”


What do you do on a lazy Winter” day or days?  I remember as a child there were many times we would be stranded indoors for days on end.  My family always had a jig saw puzzle we would lay out on the card table.  If the electricity was out we moved it close to the fireplace, even had the kerosene lanterns lit up so we could work on it before going to bed. If you think about it some people might say it is a complete waste of time.  You spend hours upon hours putting it together and then you tear it up and put it back into the box.  However, I love working a jig saw puzzle and I recently read an article of 42 benefits in doing a jigsaw puzzle it enhances your thinking skills and problem solving.  It also is good for your visual, cognitive, character, social, tactile and collaborative skills.   Lord knows I need all the help I can get as I am in the second halftime of life.   I also think it teaches more patience…so there!  Now, how many of you are going to drag out a puzzle and beginning working on one this weekend?  You smarty pants I knew it!


“Winter” also brings back memories of my childhood; living in Southeast Colorado we had many times snow was knee deep and a perfect time for sledding.  We didn’t have that many hills to go down so we would tie an old hood of a car behind a 4 wheel drive truck and go out into the pastures riding in the hood packed with blankets. It was a lot of fun until the driving got crazy and they started doing donuts or weaving back and forth and you were slinging around the back until the rope broke and you went flying into some unwanted soapweed yucca’s or prickly pear cactus and you would be pulling needles out of your hiny for days, LOL!  How we lived through it I will never know, the grace of God I guess but what fun, good times and laughter we had!


I loved watching our neighborhood kids they are so creative this weekend by making their own sleds out of large Rubbermaid container lids, or laundry baskets or dragging out the ice skates they use for indoor hockey and playing on the streets as no cars were in sight.  Those three days were magical to me life was just a little simpler.  Why is that?  What have we done to make our lives so busy, complicated or rushed…we were able to enjoy some much needed rest and relaxation!  If you think about Mother Nature caused us to be a bit paralyzed. 


Now for the lineman repairing the electrical lines, the emergency crew working the streets and those working in the hospitals or businesses that are open 24 hours, those poor truckers trying to get through to their destination I commend you it was just another working day for you. I know driving in those hazardous conditions added additional stress but I thank you for your service.  To those without electricity I know it was a bit uncomfortable and many were forced to go to a hotel or hunker down and add a few more layers of clothes or blankets on them. So it may not be all it was cracked up to be for many…but we still can find something to be thankful for.


What do you think about when you hear the word Winter?  Cold, dreary, snowflakes, ice or maybe sweatshirts, wool scarfs, hats, coats, boots?  Hot cocoa, Hot Cider, Hot Tea (my favorite cinnamon this time of year) or southern soul food…something that sticks to your innards?  I love baking especially in the Winter” months.  Homemade cinnamon rolls, cookies, or homemade banana bread?  Also, bread pudding taco soup or Grandma Pansy’s famous beef or chicken & noodles…yum getting hungry again just typing out the words! 


Don’t let Cabin Fever set in here are other activities you might consider next time you are stuck in a “Winter” time out and depending on the weather conditions here they are go ahead a be a kid again:  Nostalgic:  Have a snowball fight, build a snowman, go sledding, catch snowflakes on your tongue, make snow angels, lay bird seed out to feed those hungry birds or squirrels, make paper snowflake cut-outs (how fun is that no two ever the same), reread a favorite book from childhood, drag out your undone craft projects, sort and organize your recipe files, sort through your pictures and organize, have grilled cheese and dip in homemade tomato soup (ok Stephen & Heather maybe Campbell’s will do).  Kick back in the Hot Tub borrow your neighbors if you don’t have one.  Cozy up in front of a roaring fire and watch the flames…take a long hot bubble bath by candle light with Epson salt, lavender mmm soo relaxing!  If you are really industrious clean out your closets, drawers and cabinets lighten your load and give to those who are less fortunate than you.  OK most important RELAX, ENJOY and EMBRACE this precious time!


Some folks head south for the “Winter” to their second home, like the ducks and geese while others stay put.  However, I think we should take a lesson from the bears and find time to hibernate, relax and rejuvenate as it is good for our soul.  God’s intent when he created seasons.  Winter is a special time if we choose to embrace it!


Reflecting on some scripture in Genesis 8:22, God reminds us “While the earth remains, seedtime and harvest, and cold and heat, and summer and “Winter”, and day and night shall not cease.  Psalm 74:17 “It was You who set all the boundaries of the earth; you made both summer and “Winter.”  It is all a part of his perfect plan, a special season!  ”Winter” is a time to be enjoyed just as any other in life, even though the world may seem bleak and gray outside we always have the love of Jesus to warm our hearts and homes.  It is a perfect for “Takin Time Out!”


As we are in the middle of Advent and preparing for the celebration of Jesus’ birthday a holiday we call Christmas or perhaps you are Jewish and celebrate Hanukah…and the days get shorter and the weather colder…I hope you reflect on this season of Winter as a splendid time!  Pour you a cup of your favorite Hot Beverage and curl up with a good book, old movie or a journal and write down your hopes, dreams, aspirations or things you are truly grateful for this ”Winter” Season!  Until next time my dear friends stay warm, stay safe and stay grateful…


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