imageDefinition:  the emergence of a baby or other young from the body of its mother; the start of life as a physically separate being.

As I am sitting here on this bitter cold January evening with a warm cup of Earl Grey Tea steaming in my favorite new cup my sweet cousin sent to me, my heart is full of gratitude, thanksgiving and immense love.  This week called for an unexpected but expected “Takin Time Out!”  You might be asking what do you mean expected but unexpected.  Well, it’s a brand new year and we have been blessed with the birth of a brand new grandbaby! Our second daughter and her husband had their first child, a precious little girl this week.  As we were going through the process reality set in how uniquely amazing the whole birthing process truly is and what a gift life has to offer through the creation of another human being.  I am also very thankful both sets of grandparents live close by as well as their siblings so we can all enjoy this time together, being a part and helping in making a positive influence and difference in the rearing of this precious child.


Growing up on the ranch as a child, I watched many and assisted in a few live births from horses, cattle, pigs, rabbits, cats to dogs and every one of them are truly amazing.  How many of you have had that experience of watching an actual birth or perhaps you have watched it on the Discovery or National Geographic channel?  Have you considered how the instinct and body from both mother and baby naturally kick in?  For those who do not believe in God I ask how when you see each and every detail of the birthing process.  Actually you could even start with the conception but that is probably whole other blog topic in itself and one I probably won’t be writing about!



When I had my three children I was very naive and really not as in tune or appreciative of the details of life.  I know I experienced the 9 months of carrying the child, the labor and delivery and the wonderful and challenging years of raising them.  I also know I did not ask nearly as many questions that I probably should have.   As I have grown older I have become more aware, intuitive and I would say grateful of the specifics and access to information.  There are more options and I believe the majority of the general public has more opportunity to be engaged and informed on the decisions they make especially when it comes to our healthcare needs in general and especially the birth of a child.  The main difference to me is the fact that birth is a natural process and the body typically knows exactly what to do where accidents or diseases of the body are a bit more complex.  I know there are complications and certain high risk you can factor in as well but for a normal healthy delivery the body is uniquely designed to flow through the labor and delivery process all on its own.  Each person is different and the time during labor varies before the actual delivery yes it is a very painful but it is a beautiful process and at the end once your eyes gaze upon that newborn child you realize it was all worth it! 


I love the verse found in John 16:21 “ When a woman is giving birth, she has sorrow because her hour has come, but when she has delivered the baby, she no longer remembers the anguish, for joy that a human being has been born into the world.” Because of sin in the Garden of Eden Genesis 3:16 is a gentle reminder to the woman, “I will surely multiply your pain in childbearing; in pain you shall bring forth children.  Your desire shall be for your husband, and he shall rule over you.”  It is all in God’s planning as Jeremiah 1:5 reminds us “Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, and before you were born I consecrated (sanctified) you I appointed you a prophet to the nations.”  We are each uniquely designed by God and each of our thumbprints are different it has been determined no two people are alike.  Simply Amazing!


As I sit here thinking about the New Year, dreams, aspirations I have in my life, I quickly realized not only does birth of a new born happen with people and animals but birth can begin the minute you have a dream.  What dreams or desires do you have in your life and what steps are you taking in helping them be born?  How are your possibilities working thus far for 2014?  Have you “Takin Time Out” or paused a little this last week?  I hope you have put some thought into this as that is what life is all about in makin those dreams and possibilities come true and if you have not now is the perfect time.  Wintery weather, cold dreary days can offer a time of relaxation a time to ponder and form a plan of action.  That’s when the birth begins…yes you too may have some long labor pains as you go through the process and then WOW things suddenly take off and before you know it your DREAMS and Possibilities are coming true.  I am a firm believer in writing them down, reviewing them often or posting them where you can visually see them.  I have a Vision Book of dreams but have narrowed a few down to one Vision Board I have hanging in my closet and look at every morning and every evening.  I love what Walt Disney said “All our dreams can come true if we have the courage to pursue them.”  Yes it takes courage and perseverance it takes hard work, patience and dedication but it first starts as a tiny seed that is planted deep within ones soul it’s a vision or a dream.  Also, I would like to remind you if you never chase your dreams you will never catch them either.  So I suggest your write them down, think about them a bit and then get up and get going to make those dreams come true!  Also, I love this quote by Karen Lamb “A year from now, you will wish you had started today”…what is it what do you need to start today?


Well it’s time for another cup of tea and “takin time out” to hold and rock this precious grandchild.  Hope you each have a wonderful week ahead until next time my dear friend…relax, breathe and give birth to those dreams….





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